"Promoting choral excellence throughout Ohio."
Community Choirs in Ohio
Below is a listing of many community choir organizations in Ohio. Links to the individual ensemble websites may also be provided.
Contact the OCDA IT Coordinator if you would like to link your own community choir on this page. If you have questions about community choirs in Ohio please contact the Lifelong Repertoire & Resources Chair.
Note: OCDA does not guarantee the accuracy or validity of any external website links that are located on its website.
Contact the OCDA IT Coordinator if you would like to link your own community choir on this page. If you have questions about community choirs in Ohio please contact the Lifelong Repertoire & Resources Chair.
Note: OCDA does not guarantee the accuracy or validity of any external website links that are located on its website.
- A Chorus for A Cause
Amherst Community Chorus
Directors: Steve and Simone Gall
Contact simonegall51@aol.com / 440-988-7396 -
Ashtabula County Choral Music Society
Director - Kathleen Milford
Director is a member of ACDA - Baldwin Wallace University Men's Chorus
BW Women's Chorus
The chorus performs a wide variety of choral literature written especially for the soprano and alto voice range. This includes choral masterworks both classic and contemporary, Broadway and pop. It is helpful (though not required) to have some background in music (instrumental or vocal) and basic knowledge of music reading and pitch matching. Of paramount importance is a willing spirit and open mind—come and sing with us!
We rehearse Tuesdays from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. on Baldwin Wallace University's campus. New members accepted at the start of Fall and Spring semester. See our page for more details -
Capriccio Columbus
Artistic Director: Larry Griffin
Director is a member of ACDA -
Clermont Chorale
CFC was founded in January 2006 and has performed with the Clermont Philharmonic Orchestra, the Lebanon Symphony & Chorus, and the Kentucky Symphony Orchestra & Chorus, and the Cincinnati Choral Society, as well as opening the 2014 May Festival, headlining at Cincinnati's Summerfair, drawing large crowds at the Miami Township Summer Concert Series, and singing Beatles arrangements at Milford's Frontier Days.
For more information, Like us on Facebook, go to www.clermontfestivalchorale.org, or email directors Tim and Tracy Carpenter at tntcarp@clermontfestivalchorale.org. -
Columbus Chamber Singers
A small, all volunteer, mixed chorus, performing a varied repertoire of classical, sacred, secular and popular music. Season usually consists of formal concerts that are free to the public, along with community service engagements at public libraries and retirement homes.
Director: Anne Todt -
Columbus Children's Choir
For Kindergarten through 12th grade, Columbus Children’s Choir is the premier organization for children’s choral education in Central Ohio. We provide talented singers the opportunity to explore music and expand their musical skills to the highest level of their interest and ability. -
The Columbus Symphony Chorus
The Columbus Symphony Chorus, founded in 1961, performs major works from Bach to Mahler and beyond. Past performances have included the requiems of Brahms, Verdi, Fauré, Mozart, and Duruflé; the Bach B Minor Mass; Mozart’s Grand Mass in C Minor and Coronation Mass; Haydn’s Lord Nelson and Harmonie Mass; works by Rossini, Orff, Poulenc, Stravinsky, Walton, Britten, Prokofiev, and Augusta Read Thomas; and concert performances of operas. For information on auditions, please see the chorus website.
Director: Ronald J. Jenkins
Director is a member of ACDA -
The Columbus Women's Chorus
CWC is a feminist chorus that celebrates life through the power of music. We perform music created and inspired by the lives and experiences of women from all walks of life.
Directors: Jennifer Bell
Email: admin@colswomenschorus.org
The director is a member of ACDA -
Dayton Celebration Chorus
The Dayton Celebration Chorus offers adults who enjoy singing the opportunity to enhance their vocal skills together with music lovers from across the Miami Valley. In keeping with the University of Dayton’s tradition of providing noncredit offerings for adult learners, the Chorus affiliated with the UD Office of Special Programs and Special Education in 2014. There is no audition to join.
Under the direction of a professionally trained director, the Chorus performs a diverse repertoire of choral literature with an emphasis on American music. In recent years our performance venues have regularly included the Courthouse Square Grand Illumination and downtown Dayton’s First Friday, The Dayton Celebration Chorus has auditioned and been selected annually to sing the National Anthem for a Dayton Dragons game at Fifth Third Field. In addition to two concerts annually at St. John’s Lutheran Church in Dayton, the chorus has sung at various senior communities, Stubbs Park in Washington Township, the University of Dayton, and the Calvary Cemetery chapel for Angel Night.
Chorus members have also enjoyed performance opportunities with the Dayton Philharmonic Orchestra’s Holiday Festival Community Chorus, the UD New Horizons Band, and the Miami Valley Symphony. -
Derbytown Chorus
The Derbytown Chorus meets every Tuesday night at 7:30 pm at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, 50 Prospect Street, Akron, OH. We meet in the basement/fellowship hall and information about how to find us is on the website.
The Akron Derbytown Chorus represents the Akron Chapter of the Barbershop Harmony Society. Our purpose is to support and promote the Barbershop style of a cappella harmony among men and women of all ages who love to sing. The Chapter currently has a male chorus and is in the process of creating a new mixed (men and women) chorus. Akron Derbytown has been performing in the area and has been chartered for over 75 years. We are an active chapter with several current chapter quartets. -
Duffy Liturgical Dance Ensemble
An intergenerational company of singers and dancers whose mission is to preserve, through research and performance, The American Negro Spiritual. The group has been in existence for 25 years and has performed throughout the US and overseas.
Director: Edna Duffy -
Gahanna Community Chorus
Contact at gahannachorus@gmail.com. -
Grove City Chamber Singers
The Hudson Community Chorus
Our website is hudsoncommunitychorus.org. -
Kettering Children's Choir
http://www.ketteringchildrenschoir.org/ -
The LancasterChorale
The LancasterChorale -
Lima Symphony Chorus
Auditioned chorus that performs regularly with the Lima Symphony Orchestra.
Director: Mark Munson
Director is a member of ACDA -
The Lourdes College Chorus & The Good Company Ensemble
Two choruses based at Lourdes College, both open to community as well as college members. Good Company is an auditioned subgroup of the Lourdes College Chorus.
Director: Karen Thornton Biscay
Director is a member of ACDA -
The Magpie Consort
A group of 20 mixed voices based in Columbus, Ohio, with wide-ranging repertoire, from medieval motets to Chinese folk songs.
Director: Sheena Phillips
Director is a member of ACDA -
MUSE - Cincinnati's Women's Choir
MUSE is a women's choir dedicated to musical excellence and social change. In keeping with our belief that diversity is strength, we are feminist women of varied ages, races, and ethnicities with a range of musical abilities, political interests, and life experiences.
Artistic Director: Dr. Catherine Roma
Director is a member of ACDA -
The Perrysburg Chorale
Perrysburg (Symphony) Chorale was founded 30 years ago as a venue for musicians to share their passion for singing. The group was originally formed when four Perrysburg church choirs combined to become the voices for the Perrysburg Symphony Orchestra. Today, they are an independent 501(c)(3) non-profit presenting a wide variety of choral literature in Northwest Ohio. Concerts have included music from early renaissance and baroque to world music and living composers.
The Chorale has performed collaborative events with the Perrysburg Symphony Orchestra, Ballet Theatre of Toledo, Actor Collaborative Toledo, Clarence Smith Community Chorus, Owens Community College, the Perrysburg High School String Select, and others.
The group is happy to accept new members!
All singers are welcome! There is no formal audition necessary, but the director does need to hear you sing to know which section of the choir you belong in. This is a very simple meeting with director. Please contact director.perrysburgchorale@gmail.com to set up this meeting. -
Summit Choral Society Metropolitan Chorus
he Metropolitan Chorus is a unique adult choral ensemble focusing on a wide variety of music with a intimately-performed works.
Representing many diverse backgrounds, cultures, races and beliefs, these multi-generational singers are brought together by their love of the choral arts. They share a dedication to excellence, exploring and preserving choral repertoire from all over the world.
SCS's Metropolitan Chorus provides relevant, inspiring and ingenuitive programming throughout the greater Akron community.
Shara Cocchiola, Executive Artistic Director -
University Choral Society of Bowling Green State University
Symphonic chorus of university students, faculty, staff, and community singers
Director: Mark Munson
Director is a member of ACDA -
Voices of Canton, Inc. (VOCI)
VOCI includes choruses for adults, youth, and children, and also a handbell choir.
Artistic Director: Dr. John C. Peterson -
Voices of Solon
The West Shore Chorale
Director: John Drotleff 216-375-0342