"Promoting choral excellence throughout Ohio."
OCDA Board of Directors
The OCDA Board seeks to provide the best possible opportunities, activities and resources for its membership. The Board meets three times a year to review activities, discuss pertinent business matters and make decisions concerning the organization. The board consists of both elected and appointed positions. The elected officials consist of the President, President-Elect, Vice-President, Secretary and Regional Chairpersons. All other positions are by appointment.
For more information on the OCDA Board, see the OCDA Constitution.
For more information on the OCDA Board, see the OCDA Constitution.
- President
- Vice-President
- President-Elect
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- NE Region Chair
- NW Region Chair
- EC Region Chair
- SC Region Chair
- SW Region Chair
- Conference Committee Chair
- Treble Honor Choir Chair
- High School Honor Choirs Chair
- Advertising & Exhibits Chair
- Membership Chair
- OCDA News Editor
- Information Technology Chair
- Mentorship Chair
- Elementary Festival Chair
- Historian
- Student Chapter Chair
Retired Directors Chair
- Standing Committee for Diversity Initiatives Chair
- Standing Committee for Professional Development Chair
Repertoire & Resources
OCDA strives to provide its membership and all choral musicians access to high quality choral repertoire that cross all genres and ability levels. OCDA provides several reading sessions during its annual summer conference and the Ohio Music Education Association’s annual professional development conference. OCDA has restructured it’s R&R Committee to be in compliance with the ACDA model. Below are the R&R areas, categories, coordinators and representatives.
Repertoire lists from previous reading sessions can be found here.-
Area Categories
School Children's Choirs - Heather Cooper
Community Children's Choirs - Jennifer Rozsa
Junior High/Middle School Choirs - Jessica Zelenack
High School Choirs - Brandon Moss -
Area Categories
Repertoire Specific
Area Categories
Contemporary Commercial: Show Choir - Ann Johnson
Contemporary Commercial: Contemporary A Cappella - Hunter John
Vocal Jazz - Sam Alhadid
World Music & Cultures: Intermediate/Advanced Voices - Devon Steve
World Music & Cultures: Developing Voices - Sarah Santilli
Men’s/TTBB Choirs - David Croglio
Women’s/SSAA Choirs - Jordan Saul