Advertising & Exhibits
Newsletter Advertising
The Ohio Choral Directors Association provides several opportunities for businesses and music organizations to advertise in our publications. OCDA publishes three newsletters a year in which advertising space can be purchased. These newsletters are professional publications which are sent to our entire state membership and published on our website. For an example of one of our newsletters click here.
Advertising Dimensions & Formats
The preferred format for advertisements is PDF. Although JPEG and TIFF are also acceptable. Advertisement files under 2MB can be uploaded in the registration form. If it is larger, it can be emailed directly to the OCDA Newsletter Chair.
Size |
1 Issue |
3 Issues |
Full Page (7.5" x 9.5") |
$140.00 |
$357.00 |
1/2 Page-Horizontal (7.5" x 4.75") |
$85.00 |
$217.00 |
1/2 Page-Vertical (5" x 7.125") |
$85.00 |
$217.00 |
1/4 Page-Horizontal (7.5" x 2.375") |
$50.00 |
$128.00 |
1/4 Page-Vert-Tall (2.25" x 7.125") |
$50.00 |
$128.00 |
1/4 Page-Vert-Short (5" x 3.5") |
$50.00 |
$128.00 |
If you have questions concerning any aspect of our newsletter advertising please contact the OCDA Advertising & Exhibits Chair.
Advertising Registration & Payments
Advertiser Registration
Please complete an advertiser registration form. You may do so online by clicking the link below.
Advertiser Payment
Advertisers may submit payment one of two ways. We have added the convenience of using Paypal to submit your payment electronically saving on check printing and postage. Advertisers may still submit payment via check or money order if they so desire.
Use the link and button below to submit your payment which corresponds to the size of the advertisement you wish to purchase.
If paying by check, please make the check out to "OCDA." Checks should be mailed to our Treasurer:
Kent Vandock
OCDA Treasurer
8192 Country Road D
Delta, OH. 43515
Kent Vandock
OCDA Treasurer
8192 Country Road D
Delta, OH. 43515
Please remember to submit your advertisement OCDA Newsletter Chair.
We will be having a virtual exhibit hall that will be open to registrants for the duration of the event. If you have participated with us at our previous conferences, we are making every effort to give you the kind of access to our members that you received in the past. Please click the button below to be taken to the Exhibitor & Sponsor Registration Form.
We will be having a virtual exhibit hall that will be open to registrants for the duration of the event. If you have participated with us at our previous conferences, we are making every effort to give you the kind of access to our members that you received in the past. Please click the button below to be taken to the Exhibitor & Sponsor Registration Form.
If you would like to join us at the 2020 OCDA Summer Conference it will be held June 22-24 on the campus of Otterbein University. This event attracts hundreds of choral musicians throughout Ohio and beyond whose specialties range from elementary through collegiate level. All types of choral musicians and directors attend including representatives of community, church and professional choirs. More details about OCDA and the summer conference are available here.
The OCDA Summer Conference provides for two opportunities for businesses to advertise and participate:
Opportunity 1 - Exhibit Hall Vendor
As a vendor, our 200+ participants can interact with you and see your product. The more products that are available for them to peruse and try, and the more familiar they are with your products, the more likely they will be to purchase them and benefit from them in their jobs.
Opportunity 2 - Event Sponsorship
Your company can sponsor a speaker or social event for OCDA. Your generous sponsorship would be highlighted by acknowledgement in the program, and in the introduction of the speaker, session, or at the beginning of the social event. You and other representatives of your company would be most welcome to attend the social events so that we could thank you personally for your support.
Exhibitor and Sponsorship Options & Pricing
Exhibitor Options - Choose One
Option 1 - Tuesday & Wednesday
- Tables: $70.00 for first table, $60.00 for each additional table.
- Invitation to attend Tuesday lunch.
- Invitation to attend Tuesday dinner.
Option 2 - Tuesday Only
- Tables: $50.00 for first table, $40.00 for each additional table.
- Invitation to attend Tuesday lunch.
Sponsorship Options
- Speakers - $900.00 each session.
- Concerts - $1000.00 each session.
- OCDA Luncheon - $1500.00
If you have questions concerning conference exhibits please contact the OCDA Exhibits Chair.
Exhibitor & Sponsorship Registration
Please click here for our online registration form. You will be given the option to submit payment electronically or by sending a check.